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Why wait for your future?

With College Credit Plus, you can earn college and high school credits at the same time...And, if you take courses from a public college, it’s free!

College Credit Plus - A letter of Intent is required.  Please see to Ms. Madden in the guidance office.

University News

The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (UCBA)
The College Credit Plus Program* (CCP) has been established to enhance students’ college and career readiness and postsecondary success by enabling college-ready, 7-12 grade students, who qualify for college admission to take college level courses for which they earn both high school and transcripted college credit upon successful completion of coursework.

The University of Cincinnati Blue Ash College (UCBA) is participating in the “Courses Offered on-Campus” CCP option which is very similar to the former PSEOP offered from 1988 to June of 2015. Read more.

Please click on the live link above to be taken to the University of Cincinnati Blue Ash CCP page.